Megastar Chiranjeevi’s next movie Sye raa Narasimha Reddy has been launched recently and the motion poster along with the film’s title has been announced today on the eve of Megastar’s birthday. The motion poster of the film impressed the audience and Mega fans big time. Top music composer AR Rahman has been signed to compose the tunes and the background score for the periodic drama. Everyone has been left surprised how could AR Rahman come out with such an impressive score in a short as he has been roped in for the movie recently.
Young music sensation SS Thaman revealed the inside news through his official twitter handle. It was SS Thaman who was initially roped in as the music composer for the film however once the movie has been planned in multiple languages, the makers wanted a music composer who has national recognition. However the film’s director Surendar Reddy managed to complete the background score with the help of his friend Thaman. The young composer too has been blessed to compose the score for the motion poster.
Syeraa Narasimha Reddy will start rolling next month and Nayanthara will play the female lead. Konidela Production Company will produce this big budget periodic drama.