In his interview with Bollywood critic and film journalist Anupama Chopra, Power Star Pawan Kalyan dropped a bomb on his fans when he announced that he will quit movies after 2, 3 films. Fans obviously could not digest Pawan’s shock.
Then came Sardaar Gabbar Singh, which released yesterday to heavily mixed talk. More than 90 crores are at stake on Sardaar and distributors who invested insanely high amounts cannot afford a flop.
However, after a record setting day 1, Sardaar’s collections are witnessing a downward trend in several areas as the occupancies have come down to 40-50% and not many theaters are witnessing full houses even though today being a holiday. Trade pundits are speculating that Sardaar’s full run collections may end up as an average fare and that distributors will lose at least 30% of their investments.
If these early predictions end up becoming true, Pawan may have to do back to back films to bail out his distributors. Pawan will soon start SJ Surya’s movie and he may wrap up the film quickly and even commence another film by the end of this year.
Pawan will also think twice before attempting to write a script again, noticing the severe backlash he faced for his lackluster creativity in Sardaar. All in all, Pawan’s fans will still cheer up because Pawan will also rethink about his decision to quit movies.