On Wednesday morning, Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao, along with his family, few cabinet members and other MLAs’, have visited Tirumala and offered 5 crore worth of gold ornaments on behalf of Telangana government. It’s known news that CM KCR is already receiving high amount of flak from opposition parties for donating such expensive gifts from government funds.
Soon after having darshan, KCR spoke to media and said, ‘I have offered prayers for well-being and fast development of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana’ and while thanking chairman, EO and board members, he said, ‘we (Telangana government) will support all the devotional activities done by TTD in our state.’
When media folks put up mikes to get response from KCR’s grandson Himanshu, he said that ‘it was a pleasant darshan and I was totally resistant to blink my eyes by looking at God Venkateshwara’. He further added, ‘I don’t remember when I visited Tirumala last time because it was during my early age. This time, I got to visit along with Thatha (grand father KCR) and prayed for people’s happiness in Telangana, AP & India.