Salman Khan’s physical fitness trainer Rakesh R Udiyar is going to train Ram Charan. Mumbai-based celebrity fitness expert and trainer, Rakesh R Udiyar, who also trained Aamir Khan for Dangal and several other noted Bollywood celebs, has been zeroed in on by Ram Charan and Upasana. Ram Charan has personally recruited Rakesh for his physical fitness. Since Salman Khan and Ram Charan strike very good bond and often meet personally and share good friendship, Salman said to have suggested Rakesh’s name for Ram Charan.
Charan, who is going to join the shoot of Boyapati Sreenu’s film, has now focused on his new look, body. For Rangasthalam, Ram Charan has opted for a simple, lean, look without much muscles. But he may now build muscles and tone his body for his next where it is going to be an out-and-out commercial film with high octane action episodes of Boyapati’s mark laced with emotion.
Rakesh trained other celebrities such as Dia Mirza, Pulkit Samrat, Daizy Shah, and Kunal Kapoor. Working with Arbaaz Khan made Rakesh close to the entire Khan family. Rakesh got the opportunity to train Salman Khan for the movie Dabangg, after which Salman was so impressed that he always wanted Rakesh to be around for his weight training. Rakesh trainer Salman, Aamir for Sultan and Dangal respectively. Apparently, both Salman and Aamir coordinated with each other while they were trained by Rakesh during Sultan, Dangal. When Rakesh got busy and had to leave Aamir to train Salman for Sultan, Mahesh Bhatt’s son Rahul Bhatt had trainer Aamir. And After Dangal, Rakesh returned to Aamir and has been training Aamir.