The Hyderabad police made a big breakthrough in the sensational case of attack against actress Shalu Chourasiya. It is said that the attacker was arrested by the cops after gathering crucial information about the suspect. The actress was attacked near the KBR park in Hyderabad earlier last week.
If we have to take anything from the media reports, the cops have made the arrest by going through the CCTV cameras in the nearby area. After gathering information from the footage, the suspect was arrested. The whereabouts of the suspect were cracked down and he was taken into custody.
As the suspect was arrested reportedly, the cops are grilling him to get more information from him so that the intention behind the alleged attack can also be known. The cops are also verifying if he has the history of indulging in such activities in the past.
It has been widely reported that the cops will produce the suspect before the court after questioning him. There is a chance for the court to slap him with judicial custody for his offence.After the incident took place, police were deployed in big numbers at the KBR park as part of the probe by the cops. Interceptor vehicles vehicles were set up near gate number 8 from the last two days repotedly.
It is also said that, despite arresting the suspect, there is no information on the mobile phone of Shalu Chourasiya that is believed to have taken by the suspect on the day of the incident near the KBR National Park.The incident was reported on Sunday when the actress went to the KBR park for her walk. While she was returning from the park after her walk, an unidentified man came suddenly and held her from back. After the suspect flee from the spot, she dialled 100 and lodged a complaint.
After sending her to the nearby hospital for treatment, the cops registered a complaint and started probing into the incident. Speaking to the media, Shalu Chourasiya alleged that, the suspect tried to molest her but she gained her consious and confronted him.