Varun Sandesh’s hopes of putting a break to his flop streak have gone down the drain the yet again. His recent release ‘Nuvvala Nenila’ has gone unnoticed. It was among the three small releases that have seen light on last weekend. Nuvvala Nenila managed to get less than ten theaters in Hyderabad while Geetanjali and Gaalipatam got more than twenty.
Mainstream critics didn’t even find Nuvvala Nenila worthy of a review. Varun Sandesh’s career is going downhill with each film and it would be very hard for him to get back in business. He needs some big producers or big directors to show faith in him. Doing small films like Nuvvala Nenila wouldn’t do any good for his sinking career.
Varun still has a couple of films on hand, but he cannot get new offers if this flop saga continues. He was once among the favorite actors of top filmmakers. Now he is topping the list of super flop heroes of this generation. Tough luck Varun!