In Tollywood only Mega Star Chiranjeevi’s family has patent to use ‘Mega’ as suffix. Similarly the moment anyone uses Prince, then all remembers Prince Mahesh Babu, current super star of Tollywood. Since Mahesh’s debut film is Rajakumarudu, fans address him as ‘Prince’. However yesterday in Mukunda audio function, Mega Star Chiranjeevi hurled Prince bomb on Varun Tej, Naga Babu’s son.
Chiru speaking at the function said he heard many addressing Varun as Mega Prince and he loved it. He said the tag suits Varun perfectly. But this is surprising as mega fans very well know about Prince Mahesh Babu’s stardom and it is doubtful that they address mega hero by Prince tag.
On Varun, Chiru said till ten years of age, Varun had been with him at his house and so quickly he became 6.5 ft tall. Chiru wished Varun to reach dizzy heights on Tollywood silver screen. He added that his dad Naga Babu aspired to become a star but due to various responsibilities he couldn’t and hoped Varun will fill that vacum.