The alleged spat between Samantha and die-hard fans of Mahesh Babu seems to have not ended yet as the latter are leaving no stone unturned to take dig at former. Her recent ‘Bikini’ act in Sikandar has become talking point and fans of Mahesh are now taking potshots at her act in social networking platforms. Although she appears to have patched up with Mahesh, as she was seen sharing laughs with the superstar at Film Fare Awards show, the fans of Mahesh seems to have not in a mood to forgive her and criticizing her to the hilt.
It all started when Samantha had made critical comments on Mahesh’s One Nenokkadine movie poster (called it as “regressive”) in her micro-blogging page which drew ire from scores of Mahesh fans and even ran a hate campaign against the actress then. Now they have got shot in the arm as Sam’s Bikini act is what they pointing out at. Now that the movie turned out to be disaster and her Bikini act too couldn’t save the film. Looks like, Sam’s ‘poor’ Bikini act is going to haunt her for a while.