‘Tiger of Bengal’ Sourav Ganguly reacted on rumors about joining BJP. There were reports in media circles saying Ganguly might join the saffron party. It is learnt that before West Bengal goes to assembly polls next year Saurabh will start playing key role in the state BJP.
Ganguly, who also hosts a popular quiz show “Dadagiri” on television, did not confirm or deny it. A BJP leader involved with the party’s campaign in Bengal claimed that the party was in touch with him. Last night, a industrialist in a tweet stated that Sourav Ganguly is joining BJP.
With this many started guessing that Ganguly will enter into saffron fold.But the prince of Kolkata denied the rumors and said he wil be not joining BJP. Ganguly has dismissed the reports of him joining the BJP saying he has declined the offer given to him by the party.
“Yes, the BJP did make an offer. However, I have declined it. I won’t be contesting the elections.”Said Ganguly.Prime Minister Narendra Modi had last year nominated Sourav Ganguly along with many other personalities in his Swach Bharat Abhiyan project. Saurabh has several fans across the country and it will work in favor of the party too.