After the blockbuster Bhale Bhale Magadivoy, Nani’s Krishnagadi Veera Prema Gaadha released amidst huge expectations. Made on a modest budget, the film opened to positive reviews and word of mouth and even the box-office collections have been pretty decent until its first weekend.
So far, KVPG collected a gross of nearly $600K at the North American box-office. The film is all set to cross Nenu Sailaja’s lifetime US collections in its final run since the collections are still pretty decent in the week days. The film will end up as a third highest grosser in the US after Soggade and Nannaku Prematho in the first quarter.
Even in the Telugu states, Nani’s charisma and craze are pulling in the family crowds to the theaters big-time.
Team KVPG made a smart move by going on a success tour right in the first week and it is yielding decent shares in all centers. With Sunil’s Krishnashtami and Aadi’s Garam getting lukewarm response, KVPG has another advantage at the box-offices in Telugu states.