This Movie is on Youtube Just after 30 Days of Release

Whenever a film hits the theatres, it is already committed to a TV channel for the satellite rights. So, the film gets aired on any channel after few weeks. But here is one film which has not got into that hassle and went ahead with a release online. 
We are talking about the film ‘Paathshala’. It has not come in TV but it has been released on Youtube. Sources say the satellite rights market has become a pain as TV channels are saying “We will put in TV and share revenues.” That option will always be open but the contract is usually for six months and not more. 
So, to ensure it reaches the maximum audience, the makers decided went ahead by releasing the film online. Incidentally, due to lack of theatres the film could not reach the people. Some of them didn’t even know when it came. But the promoters have not lost heart and they are now promoting the film on the internet.