For the past few days, the cameo of Ram Charan and Mahesh Babu in Megastar Chiranjeevi’s upcoming film Acharya turned into a game of musical chairs. While Ram Charan was the original choice, the role later went to Mahesh Babu as Ram Charan was busy owing to his commitment to Rajamouli’s RRR.
However, if the latest reports are to be believed, the role has now gone back to Ram Charan since Mahesh Babu reportedly demanded a solid amount for his role. We’ve already reported that Mahesh quoted a whopping Rs. 30 Crore for a 30-day call-sheet. But Acharya makers offered Rs.15 Crores for his role. After multiple follow-ups, as they did not get a favorable response from Mahesh, they have decided to rope in Ram Charan to play the role of a Naxalite.
As per the latest reports, Ram Charan may join the shoot from May 1st week and it will be continued for almost 25-30 days. What’s more! Here comes one more great news. We’ve learned that there is a song, which features Ram Charan and Chiranjeevi.
If everything goes well, the makers are in plans to release the first loo on March 25th on the eve of Ugadi. An official confirmation is awaited on the same.