Triggering panic among senior TDP leaders and cabinet ministers of Andhra Pradesh, Maoists have shot a letter to media on Sunday addressing AP Minister for Roads and Building Chintakayala Ayyanna Patrudu’s son Ch. Vijay. In the letter, Maoists alleged that Chintakayala Vijay has huge amounts of share in the illegal quarry diggings in Sarugudu village of GK Mandal in Visakhapatnam district. Extending their support to Girijans in the area, Maoists told Vijay to mend his ways else threatened with dire consequences.
The letter alleged that Vijay & co is behind the illegal quarry digging in the region and even accused them of threatening the local media persons who go against them. The letter said to have come from Kailash, Maoist Party’s East Division Secretary. He demanded to immediately stop the diggings in Sarugudu and Rajapaka and threatened with severe consequences if they go ahead ignoring the ‘orders’.
This letter has now kicked up a storm in Visakhapatnam, Uttarandhra districts as this is first of its kind letter addressing to a cabinet minister’s son after Chandra Babu Naidu came back to power. Amidst severe allegations about the land scams in Visakhaptanam and Opposition parties are making a huge issue out of them and dragging Minister and CM’s son Nara Lokesh in the land scams, the latest issue of Maoists letter to Chintakayala Vijay has added more fuel to the ongoing fire.
While cops are yet to confirm whether the letter is really issued by Maoists or a ‘fake’ letter by some miscreants, AP leaders and ministers in government are tight-lipped on the issue. Also many political analysts are scrutinizing whether there is any political colour to this whole issue. The recent open war between Ganta and Ayyanna Patrudu is well-known to party leaders and public.
Meanwhile, Opposition YSR Congress is yet to react on the issue.