Nani has pinned a lot of hopes on Jersey, a sports drama directed by Gautham Tinnanuri. Nani plays the role of a middle aged cricketer who resumes his career to prove his worth to his son.
The trailer of Jersey has been receiving thumping response for its emotional content and Nani’s performance. Jersey is sure to take a good start in A centres and overseas markets.
But it will be challenged by Raghava Lawrence’s horror comedy Kanchana 3 that is also releasing on the same day, April 19.
Kanchana franchise has been one of the most successful franchises in South Cinema.
Lawrence is an expert at making an appealing horror comedy, which has been proved many a time.
Kanchana 3 is being promoted aggressively given the popularity of the franchise among the masses.
The film will definitely get a roaring opening in mass pockets on this Friday. Its further run will depend on the film’s merits.
Kanchana 3 is sure going to be a serious contender for Jersey at least in the mass markets.