Former MP K Kesava Rao and MPs Manda Jagannatha (Nagar Kurnool), Vivek (Peddapalli) and Rajaiah (Warangal) met the TRS chief in his farmhouse. As the three had declared on Sunday that they would keep their options open if the Congress High Command did not announce its decision on Telangana by the end of this month, the meeting gained political significance.
TRS MLAs Harish Rao and KT Rama Rao also were present at the meeting. It is being said that the MPs are likely to join the TRS before June 3. Reports suggest that they took the decision to leave the ruling party and join TRS as they did not want to give any more time for the Congress High Command.
It is learnt that the three MPs were highly disappointed by the High Command postponing the solution to the Telangana tangle constantly and made up their minds that they would have no future if they remained in the party. They were also reportedly angered by the comparison of Telangana to cup of coffee or tea by Vayilar Ravi and another top leader P C Chaco stating that Telangana was not on the common minimum programme.
It may be recalled that the three MPs met at the residence of Vivek on Sunday and discussed about their future course of action. It was after the meeting that they gave an ultimatum to the Congress leadership that they would be free to leave the party if the High Command does not take a decision on ‘T’ by the end of the month.