The three heroes of TDP are Kesineni Nani (Vijayawada), Ram Mohan Naidu (Srikakulam) and Galla Jayadev (Guntur) won for parliament constituencies on TDP. They are real heroes in fight against the centre in Special Category Status. It can be recalled that it was the trio who strongly voiced for the cause of Special Category Status and the gross injustice meted out to AP in the house of parliament. Nani, Ram Mohan Naidu and Jayadev had all spoken against Narendra Modi and dared Modi. They had taken up the fight against the centre strongly and this seems to have won people’s hearts.
Despite a strong YSRCP wave, Kesineni Nani, Ram Mohan Naidu and Galla Jayadev managed to win in parliament seats.While majority of the Assembly constituencies under these parliament segments were bagged by YCP, the winning of Nani, Ram Mohan and Jayadev is possible only with huge cross-voting. Hence, the victory of these three TDP MPs in this tough time is a phenomenal achievement.
All thanks to the “cross-voting”, while YCP has won in 151 seats, TDP is limited to 23 seats whereas Janasena won in single seat.