The legendary actress Savitri’s biopic is winning hearts even before its release. This prestigious movie bankrolled by Swapna cinemas productions, is handled by well known producer Ashwin Dutt’s daughters Priyanka Dutt and Swapna Dutt.The audacious ladies shared their experience of how tough it is being producers.
Speaking on the journey on how it all started Priyanka Dutt said, “As dad is a producer, we were brought up in the film environment, the same interest has hooked us and that’s how ‘Yevade Subramanyam’ came in. Though Dad didn’t believe in what we are doing as a producer during the times of ‘Yevade Subramanyam,’ mom has been the backbone and pushed us to achieve in what we believed the most.”
She also shared that her mom has been the ultimate support for her to take up the Mahanati movie. “Naga Ashwin and I were in plans of doing a biopic of the legendary actress but nothing has fallen in place until my mom has brought the Biopic Book of Savitri. Then we made all the bits and pieces together.”
Her sister Swapna Dutt also shared her experience working for Mahanati, “The objective Mahanati movie is not an easy job, we only know very less about Savitri and her lifestyle. We contacted Savitri daughter Vijaya Chamundeswari and on phone she narrated us where Savitri used to reside and all. We built a set accordingly and she was astonished by the set. We also have mini-museum of Mahanati Savitri”.