Thumbs Down to Khaidi Concept Song


The last and final song from Chiru’s Khaidi No. 150 is out. The ‘Neeru Neeru…Rythu Kanta Neeru’ is concept-based song that tries to feature the water woes of farmers and their sufferings.

Though lyrics convey the perfect meaning and seems to be a tribute to farmers, the song appears to be monotonous with repetitive meaning of lyrics on the water woes.

The song is okay but compared to ‘Ghallu Ghallu Mani Sirimuvvalle’ from Indra, ‘Suryude Selavani’ song from Stalin and ‘Nenu Saitham’ from Tagore, the latest song is not on par with them.

Given that Chiru’s old songs have outstanding tunes with moving lyrics, many expect the song ‘Neeru Neeru’ to surpass the previous songs but unfortunately ‘Neeru Neeru’ fails to do so.

It could had been better had ‘Neeru Neeru’ has more in-depth in the song. On the whole, it’s just passable and nothing more.

Click Here for ‘Neeru Neeru’ Song