Sundeep Kishan and Rahul Ravindran’s latest, Tiger is gearing up for release. The movie has completed its shooting part a long ago and is in post production phase. The makers are planning to release the film in the second week of May. Most probably on May 15th.
In such case the movie may clash with Ram’s Pandaga Chesko which is also releasing on the same day. Tiger is being directed by V I Anand under N V Prasad and Tagore Madhu’s production. V I Anand is a former protege of A R Murugadoss.
Run Raja Run fame Seerat Kapoor is the female lead in this film whereas notable actor Rahul Ravindran is playing the crucial role. The film is set in the backdrop of the river Ganga and was extensively shot in Kashi, Rajahmundry, Hyderabad and Vizag.
The makers say the movie is a complete action entertainer and it’ll take Sundeep Kishan’s image to the next level. SS Thaman is scoring the music and Chota K Naidu is the cinematographer.