Title: Naga Shaurya’s Aswathama

For the first time, Naga Shaurya has opted for a full length thriller laced with action and emotion. Shaurya turned a story writer with Aswathama and penned the film. It is learnt that the film has high dose of emotional content and it is expected hook audiences to theatres. The film said to have intelligent investigation.

The title and logo of the film has been unveiled. A small baby girl is seen holding a hand in the title poster which raises the curiosity. The film is being produced by Shaurya’s home production Ira Creations. Shaurya’s mother Usha Mulpuri is producing the film while father Shankar Prasad Mulpuri is presenting the film. Sri Charan Pakala’s music and directed by newcomer Ramana Teja, the makers are planning for February 2020 release.