Tamil Nadu Governor Rosaiah is the only Congress leader who is continuing in the coveted post of the Governor even after his party faced crushing defeat a year back. Rosiah was made TN Governor as a reward after he resigned as CM of Andhra Pradesh the moment Sonia Gandhi asked him to resign.
Though it is difficult to get along with AIADMK chief Jayalalitha who used to be CM and her party which is ruling the state, he is getting along silently. Right after Modi led BJP came to power at Centre, it showed exit doors to many Congress appointed governors.
For some reason it didnot touch Rosaiah. It could be due to TN is not ruled by BJP or Rosiah is a calm going man. After this Rosiah went thrice to Delhi to thank Modi for the gesture. But now it is coming out that Rosaiah may not be enjoying any such luxuries now.
It is coming out that BJP is planning to send all Congress governors to accommodate its party seniors in those posts.Even if Rosaiah gets kicked out, credit for him to continue for such long period even in Modi rule.