Akshay Kumar, the Bollywood star hero who dared to act in a film revolving around ‘Toilet’ concept, is reportedly inclining towards joining BJP and thus foray into active politics.
Of late, Akhay has been doing a lot of films that either talks about patriotism or raise issues in the society. His upcoming film ‘Toilet – Ek Prem Katha’ is dedicated to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “Swachh Bharat” Campaign. Last month, Akshay personally met Modi, discussed the film and also got assurance from the PM of granting tax exemption for ‘Toilet’ film in most states.
Akshay has also been making efforts to get in good books of BJP’s parent organization, RSS. A few months ago, he endorsed the RSS-initiated programme, ‘Shiv Shakti Sangh’. He is funding some programmes of RSS and is providing drought relief funds to farmers of Maharashtra. He has also started a website named ‘Bharat Ke Veer’ to raise funds for martyr soldiers.
Going by the happenings, Akshay looks to be getting closer to BJP and also winning people’s hearts through charity works and socially responsible films. As per BJP sources, Akshay is keen to join the Saffron party ahead of 2019 elections.