These days, model-turned-actress Madhu Shalini is on cloud nine. Well, she is doing an important role in Victory Venkatesh and Powerstar Pawan Kalyan’s ‘Gopala Gopala’ and this is the reason for her happiness. However, this Telugu beauty got annoyed with some speculations that were made about her. A disappointed Madhu Shalini said, “I’m very shocked to read the article in which my name was mentioned amongst those who did not contribute to the cause Memu Saitam.
Just because one individual did not take it seriously and chose a party over the event doesn’t mean that I did the same.. I in particular wanted to be a part of this event, and in fact while I was shooting in Vizag for Gopala Gopala got a call from Vishnu Manchu and was told that I’m going to be in his team for Kabaddi and Cricket.
As soon as I got back to Hyderabad I got in touch with him to catch up with the practice. And apart from the sports I also took part in the star antakshari later that evening. I am glad that the film fraternity reached out to me and made me a part of this cause, and I thank them for this opportunity”. Madhu Shalini was very much part of ‘Memu Saitam’ and she was present at the event till the last program (Antakshari).