Ram Charan proved himself as an actor, dancer and pulled off some impossible stunts too. But the actor has a keen eye for business and great eye for capturing images.His business skill made him one of the richest celebrities in T-Town and his wildlife photography skills made Tollywood notice his images in awe.
He invited all his friends to his house for wildlife photography exhibition and a home tour at his newly built mansion. His wife Upasana spearheaded all the proceedings and she carefully planned the evening and she is the one that chose the designs in the house too.
Nagarjuna, Akhil, Samantha, Amala, Manchu Lakshmi, Susmitha, Niharika and many others were present at this exhibition. They were stunned to see lively images by Ram Charan, especially those that he captured at wildlife sanctuaries in South Africa.
Soon, he and Upasana are going to host a dinner to invite funds towards building and improving such sanctuaries in India. They named the event as, “Wild Dream!s”