Powerstar Pawan Kalyan is busy shooting for his upcoming flick “Sardaar” in and around Vadodara, Gujarat. Those who have seen the shooting are busy cuckooing about the number of creative brains involved in the film and how the output is coming out.
Director KS Ravindra (Bobby) is the one who has written story and dialogues for Pawan’s sequel of Gabbar Singh, titled Sardaar Gabbar Singh. Suddenly there was an entry of writer Sai Madhav Burra to provide an alternate version of dialogues for the movie.
And then, producer Sharath Maraar himself is a creative guy with nearly 20 years experience in TV and Film industries. We cannot rule out the fact that he’s not giving any creative inputs. Former choreographer Harish Pai, who was supposed to direct Pawan earlier in a film titled ‘Tashwa Maidan’, happens to be official creative head of Sardaar Gabbar Singh.
Above all, there is Pawan Kalyan, who is also a writer and director himself, who has almost co-written this film’s story along with Sampath Nandi earlier and KS Ravindra now.
With too many creative brains involved in cooking this dish, anyone will wonder how the film’s output will shape up. Generally a writer and director takes care of Telugu movies, but Pawan’s films are becoming something special with the choicest of people working on his films.