Broadcast Content Complainants Council (BCCC), the self regulatory body of entertainment channels, has directed STAR Vijay TV to apologize to actress Ranjitha for showing her in a bad light. The channel was asked to apologize to the actress by running a scroll featuring the apology for every two hours for one week starting from September 9th for telecasting its programme ‘Nadanthadhu Enna – Kutramum Pinnaniyum’ on March 21st, 2012.
Actually, Ranjitha has approached Karnataka High Court saying that the channel has telecasted certain clippings on the programme ‘Nadanthadhu Enna – Kutramum Pinnaniyum’, invading her privacy. As Star Vijay is an entertainment channel, High Court has forwarded the complaint to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting’s BCCC. Finally, the verdict has come in favour of the actress.