Even before the shooting of Kal Jisne Dekha gone to floors, the film’s lead actress Katrina Kaif is said to be upset with the statement of her film’s co-star Sidharth Malhotra. According to reports, Sidharth’s interview to leading tabloid is said to be the reason behind Katrina’s anger. “I watched Katrina’s films in college. Hope I won’t look like a junior on screen,” Sidharth was quoted as saying by Mumbai Mirror.
This naturally didn’t go down well with Katrina. It is buzzed that Katrina was miffed with Sid’s statement. “It’s a youthful love story and how could an actor make such a negligent, careless statement like this before the film’s shooting commences. Even if the actor had such feeling in his head, he shouldn’t have shared it with media,” opined a source in the know.
Katrina and Sidharth are all set to take off to London next month for their first schedule. Let’s hope the two are at peace on the first day of the shoot.