The romantic love story of the both most happening celebs Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma, seems to be making their public display of emotions. During the ODI between Srilanka and India held yesterday in the Uppal Stadium Hyderbad, we witnessed the kissing ceremony. This happened immediately when he hit a 50 runs and threw Anushka a kiss with his bat and she was blushing and seems to be on Cloud nine.
Well, this is surely a romantic gesture by a boy friend to his girl friend but Virat surely broke many girl fans hearts by this kiss to his girl friend. However, this was the same match when even CM KCR has overwhelmed with his kiss on Ambati Rayudu’s hand because he was playing in his home ground. This gesture surely shocked Rayudu as well and even amazed the fans. KCR also told that he wanted another Telangana born player to be in the international team soon.