Well, this news will surely shake the fans of the top Music Director who is always in race in Kollywood or Tollywood, Music Maestro Ilayaraja is in a big problem now. It seems that a Music Company owner has lodged a complaint against the Music Director Ilayaraja. This incident happened in Chennai, where Ilayaraja was the first one to complain about the AGI music company that was copying his music compositions.
Ilayaraja spoke to the Chennai Police Commissioner, Mr. George directly about the Music Company’s mischief. The Chennai officials are now investigating regarding the complaint and suddenly the Music company tool lodged a complaint against Ilayaraja. The Music company explained that Ilayaraja signed an agreement with them in 2007 and again signed on another company’s agreement without the earlier one getting expired.
The AGI Music Company owner alleged that the police had been violating rules by not allowing to sell other movie CDs too. So, what do you think? Did Ilayaraja really cheat the Music Company in terms of the agreement?