With a riveting trailer, eccentric genius Ram Gopal Varma once again showed promise of his grand comeback to his earlier form with Killing Veerappan. This most ambitious film among RGV’s recent films stars Kannada superstar Shivarajkumar in the main lead where he plays a special task force officer.
Killing Veerappan chronicles the country’s biggest manhunt in which special forces of two stars were involved in a hunt to nab the notorious Sandalwood smuggler Veerappan. The film is a hotcake in the trade circles and this made the producers strike a huge deal for satellite rights.
As per the inside buzz, Killing Veerappan has struck a whopping deal for Rs. 3.50 crores for its satellite rights with a popular entertainment channel. Even the Yehudi audiences are very well aware of the dangerous legends of Veerappan and his brutal killings of policemen. Killing Veerappan is releasing in Telugu, Kannada, Tamil and Hindi on the 4th December.