Top Indian business women and yesteryear Bollywood actress who were in Hyderabad visited King Nagarjuna’s Annapurna Studios. Nagarjuna accorded grand welcome and showed them inside out of Annapurna Studios.
Those who visited Annapurna Studios,Hyderabad on saturday included Reliance MD Neeta Ambani, Swathi Piramal, Nawaz Singhana, Ananya Goenka, Lina Tiwari, Radhika Seth, Anupam Shenoy and Bollywood actress Juhi Chawla. Nagarjuna later treated them with Manam special.
All of them thoroughly enjoyed Legend ANR’s last film Manam in mini theatre. Earlier Business stalwarts donated Rs11 crores to Hudhud cyclone victims of Andhra Pradesh.