World’s renowned models who are giving sleepless nights to people across the world by going topless received shock of their life. In a surprise decision topless models received shock from ‘The Sun,’when the Rupert Murdoch’s owned tabloid decided to drop them from its Page 3.
The Sun for long has been facing stringent criticism for carrying out the the erotic snaps of topless models. Many seasoned critics called it sexist, anachronistic and offensive. The popular tabloid announced that Jan 16th, last Friday’s edition would be the last which would carry photos of topless model on Page 3.
The Sun started the controversial Page 3 in 970 right after Murdoch bought the title. With the passage of time, even he felt it old fashioned in 2014. Irish edition of The Sun dropped Page 3 way back in August 2013 citing cultural differences.
Over 217,000 submitted online petition to The Sun to stop topless Page 3. In 2012 a woman who asked The Sun editor to stop forcing the readers to see women as sex objects, started the campaign.
More than 30 universities also voted against selling the tabloid till it stops publishing topless models images.However many feel if The Sun’s circulation falls down due to this drastic shift, it may sift back to topless models.