With the arrival of WhatsApp, the free chatting app that could work even with the slowest possible internet connection, the way people communicate got totally changed. Especially in film and media circles, people create groups for various batches and throw their stuff there.
Media folks generally create ‘think tank’ groups while movie folks create a ‘publicity’ group and total movie’s cast and crew group. When someone wants to communicate something to all, this acts as a perfect notice board. Treading on the same path, a heroine has recently created a WhatsApp group and added nearly 100+ media folks to it. This is to promote her latest movie and some content related exclusively related to her.
In just a couple of hours, half of the group members are seen ‘left’ from the crazy group created by this beautiful lady. Wonder why? She should have promoted herself through the groups created by PROs or she should have limited the group to her friends, but not the whole of media folks.
This is not the first case, there are many times some heroines created such WhatsApp groups but in no time they get emptied and dumped by others. Though people like to know more about heroines, somehow they consider these WhatsApp groups little unholy.
On the flip side, a WhatsApp group that has most of Tollywood’s happening heroines is getting popular for the adult stuff our hotties are discussing. Guess what, some struggling heroines out there are pleading the admin to add them as well.