Stylish Star Allu Arjun commands huge following in Kerala. The actor’s films get dubbed in to Malayalam and do on par with the local star heroes there. So Allu Arjun always makes it a point to go to Kerala and promote his films there before the release. He even did the same for his recent film, Son of Satyamurthy.
The movie released there in 71 theaters on its opening day, a very big number considering Kerala market. The movie had an average start at the box office collecting 2.05 Crore in the first week of its release. However it ended as a one week affair witnessing heavy drops in the second week and ended up as a big flop there.
Few box office experts in Kerala say that the movie is the biggest failure of Allu Arjun in Kerala. Back in Telugu, the movie is still a flop venture here despite doing decent at the box office due to the heavy rates of the film. A minimum 7-9 Crore is on cards. The loss would have been more if the movie did not release in Summer. No hit films after the movie release except Ganga also helped the film.