Ram Charan’s upcoming film with Boyapati Srinu is the first biggie to be confirmed for next Sankranthi. There will be competition at box office for Sankranthi like every year.Most anticipated biopics of late Chief Ministers NTR and YSR are going to clash with Ram Charan’s commercial entertainer.
Traditionally, mass entertainers have been proved safe bets for Sankranthi, but #RC12 will surely face heat from the biopics as people will be keen on watching their favorite leaders stories on big screen.NTR starring Balakrishna just got bigger with Gautamiputra Satakarni fame Krish replacing Teja as director.
Biopic of YSR, titled Yatra has Mammootty playing the lead role. He being a leader of masses, Yatra is sure to get attention from the majority audience.We can expect a few more films to join the race as the date approaches.Ram Charan who has an impressive record for Sankranthi will have to face fierce competition this time.