Makers of the biopic of NTR are thrilled to have director Krish at the helm. With Krish as the director, the film’s box office prospects in overseas and A centers gets major boost.Producers are quoting around Rs. 12 crore for overseas distribution rights of NTR. Balakrishna and Krish’s last film Gautamiputra Satakarni grossed over $1.6 Million in US in spite of heavy competition.
This film will have added advantage as people will be interested to watch NTR’s life story. However, Rs. 12 crore is tad too much considering Balakrishna and Krish’s market value.Mahanati satellite and digital rights bagged Rs. 15 crore. So makers of NTR are hoping to get a minimum of Rs. 20 crore through satellite and digital rights.
Business for Andhra, Ceded, Nizam, Karnataka and other states in India is yet to open. Producers are hoping to get around Rs. 70 crore from these areas. As of now they are targeting at Rs. 100 crore pre release business including all the rights.Balakrishna’s biggest hit till date Gautamiputra Satakarni collected around Rs. 50 crore share.
So makers of NTR are expecting theatrical business to be around Rs. 80 crore given the craze around the project.