After delivering a decent earner, “Raja The Great”, in his comeback, Ravi Teja is all set to release his next film, ‘Touch Chesi Chudu’. While the former was a different attempt from him, the latter seems to be a pakka masala entertainer, the kind of films that Ravi Teja perfectly suits for.
The theatrical trailer of Touch Chesi Chudu has just been released to celebrate Ravi Teja’s birthday, tomorrow. The mass hero plays the role of a police officer in the film. High on action, the film promises sufficient dose of family emotions and romance too.
Vikram Siri, the debutante director looks to have used Ravi Teja’s attitude and energy to good effect in the film. Raashi Khanna and Seerat Kapoor’s glamour show promises a visual feast on big screen.
Ravi Teja has done this kind of movies in the past too. It needs to be seen if Vikram, who has written screenplay for many biggies in the past, can make an impact with an arresting screenplay. Touch Chesi Chudu will have its worldwide release on February 2.