Gopichand’s Gautham Nanda trailer is released. Directed by Sampath Nandi and produced by J Bhagavan, Pulla Rao, the film’s trailer is a visual feast with rich and mind blowing production values.
While Gopichand underwent a complete makeover with stylish look in two different characters, heroine Hansika Motwani and Catherine Tresa are glamorous. Gautham Nanda seems to have got an intellectual theme centered on money and its role in ruling the mankind. This is a different concept to connect well with common audience.
Soundar Rajan’s cinematography is extra ordinary and so is the background score from SS Thaman captures the attention. Apparently, the trailer focuses on lavishly picturised scenes on rich Gopichand characterization with Dubai exploited at best in aerial shots.
Overall, Gautham Nanda trailer hiked expectations on film as the excitement shoots up. The film is heading for a release on July 28th.