Bollywood hero Saif Ali Khan has moved out of his image and doing films for both box office and OTT platforms. His next is a feature film titled, ‘Jawaani Jaaneman.’
A 50 year old plays the role of a playboy who wants to have fun with girls whomever he comes across. In most cases, it’s a one night stand. He does so some years back with a lady but then they part ways. One fine day a young girl comes to him claims that Saif is her father.
The lady with whom Saif romances is Tabu. A shocked and unexpected Saif becomes father and how he deals with the situation forms ‘Jawaani Jaaneman.’
Nitin Kakkar is directing the movie and it offers a fun ride. The film is going to be out on January 31st.
Despite not scoring a hit since a while, Saif is coming up with entertaining roles and that’s a good effort.