Telugu girl Aishwarya Rajesh is debuting in Tollywood with the film ‘Kousalya Krishnamurthy.’ This is the official remake of Tamil movie ‘Kanaa’ and is being directed by Bheemaneni Srinivasa Rao. The trailer of it is out.
It’s the tale of a girl whose father doesn’t like to see Indian cricket team losing. She wishes to see father smile and so sets the aim to become a member of women’s cricket team. But her journey is a tough one and many people trouble in many forms. Will she ultimately achieve what she has intended to, forms the plot.
Aishwarya Rajesh played a de-glam role and is apt in it. This is an unusual debut for any actress and Aishwarya picked up a thoroughly author backed role. Rajendra Prasad is seen as the protagonist’s father while Tamil hero Siva Karthikeya is playing a special role.
The trailer of ‘Kousalya Krishnamurthy’ is intense and emotional with sports backdrop. Produced by Creative Commercials banner, the film is releasing on August 23rd.