Transgender community (Hijras) is venting fumes on director Shankar for his take on them in the latest release “I”. With Shankar portraying a real-life Hijra as one of the protagonists of the film, seems like the sentiments of the community got hurt.
Both in Chennai and Hyderabad, Transgender community members have field cases on Shankar and producers of I for defaming their community. In the movie, a real life Hijra named Ojas Rajani portrayed the role of a makeup artist who proposes to Vikram and upon rejection joins villains to take revenge on him.
Ojas Rajani is a popular makeup artist in real life too, and worked with Shankar for nearly 6 films. She felt that there is no way the talented director portrayed her role in a derogatory manner. However, other members of the community felt that Shankar showed them in poor and bad light.
At a time when film got brickbats from critics for its lame content, surely all these controversies are going to be blessings in disguise to rake up more curiosity on the film. Nearly 30 crores of collection is possible in first week alone and these controversies will surely add up to it.