Chennai beauty Trisha who entertained Tollywood, Kollywood and in couple of Hindi films is getting ready for her engagement with Chennai based businessman Varun Manian on Jan 23.
Trisha’s mother who denied any relation between her daughter and Varun Manian even though they have been traveling round the country for quite sometime is currently busy making arrangements for the engagement.
In the meantime it was rumoured that Varun Manian delighted Trisha with a 7 crores BMW car. The couple is getting engaged in a private ceremony confined to close friends, relatives and family members on Jan 23rd at Nakshatra, Chennai. Trisha however is planning to give a grand treat to Film Personalities on Jan 24 at Nakshatra itself after her engagement.
Trisha and Varun are busy inviting celebrities calling them over phone. Buzz is the duo will be announcing their wedding date in a grand manner during the treat.