According to grapevine, actress Trisha Krishnan is contemplating to tie the knot with businessman-producer Varun Manian in an aeroplane. Apparently, Trisha and Varun are keen on having a special wedding unlike “routine”, “conventional” wedding ceremonies. Recently, the bride-to-be and groom-to-be flew to Agra in a special private plane and visited Taj Mahal.
Already, the Varsham star made it public that she and Varun would be hitched on Jan 23 at Nakshatra in Chennai. Following which the duo will be throwing a grand bash on Jan 24 on which the couple will announce their wedding ceremony.
Weddings in “Air” are not something new but film stars tying the knot in aeroplane is definitely new and perhaps first-time in India. Since it’s lifetime event, both Trisha and Varun want it grand and unique. Even they’re planning to deck up the aircraft with myriad varieties of flowers from all over the globe and so the huge list of food menu.