Now, it is happy news for fans of Ram Charan and Dhoni. Both stars are going to sizzle on big screen. Indian Cricket Captain MS Dhoni and Tollywood star hero Ram Charan Tej have joined together for common purpose. They are sharing the screen space for a most popular brand Ad film. As per the reports, Dhoni and Ram Charan are acting together in a Pepsi Commercial Ad film.
Interestingly, Tollywood ace director Trivikram Srinivas is wielding the megaphone for this Ad film. The shooting is under progress. The Ad film will be aired by the end of December this year. Both Dhoni and Ram Charan have been acting in Pepsi Ad film as part of their one year agreement. As per the reports, Choni has charged a whooping Rs.6 Crore for one year contract of the Ad film and Ram Charan has taken Rs.4 Crores for this film. Director Trivikram was adjusted with Rs.3 Crores for directing this Ad film.