Trivikram is on a mission to complete Allu Arjun’s film in a flash. He has already announced that the film will be released on February 5th. This film’s regular shoot started just in the last week of September. Trivikram who used to take long time to wrap up films is just mesmerizing everyone with his planning of late.
If Trivikram is done with Allu Arjun’s film by February, who is going to direct next? There is news about Trivikram directing Mahesh Babu’s next film, but film nagar sources say that the director has other plans on mind. Trivikram is planning to expand his market to Tamilnadu with his next film it seems. As per the buzz, Trivikram will direct Suriya’s next film.
Suriya has been planning to do a straight Telugu film since Ghajini and it looks like he has finally got the director to fulfill his dream. Suriya is busy with Mass and Vikram Kumar’s 24 as of now. We have to wait and see if this film takes off immediately or Trivikram does a quickie in between.