It is known that Superstar Krishna’s wife and popular female director Vijaya Nirmala passed away recently. Director Trivikram Srinivas has visited Vijaya Nirmala’s house in Nanakramguda and paid his respects.
He also met with the other family members and paid condolences to them. Talking with media, he shared about his relationship with Vijaya Nirmala. Trivikram stated that he is extremely disturbed with the death of Vijaya Nirmala. “I am a very big fan of ‘Meena’ movie and I made ‘A Aa’ movie based on that film. I hope that everyone from the film industry support Vijaya Nirmala family and her family at this time” said Trivikram.
Vijaya Nirmala’s sudden death shocked the entire film industry. Not only the fans, but also so many film celebrities have paid their respects and condolences to the family members.