Speaking to the media here on Friday evening, he said TRS collected Rs. 80 lakh from the Padmalaya Studios of Super Star Krishna through blackmail. He said Harish Rao filed a public interest litigation on the Padmalaya Studios and had taken Rs. 80 lakh from the studio management for compromise. He said the compromise was arrived at in Vijaya Santi’s house. He said two producers including one from Adilabad and Vijaya Santi’s husband arranged this compromise. Stating that he has all the evidence to prove this dealing, Raghunandan said he has many more bombs and would blast them in the coming days. He has alleged that he TRS leaders had sold the party tickets and made money.
Reminding that though he had given 48 hours to explain why he was suspended, Raghu Nandan said that this meant that they have no explanation to offer. He said as the deadline closed, he would now wage a legal war on the TRS. He said he would send legal notices to TRS and T News in 3 days. It may be mentioned here that Raghunandan is a practicing lawyer. He said he would also complain to the CBI about Harish Rao’s illegal activities. It may be recalled that Raghunandan made serious allegations against KCR and others on Wednesday, after he was suspended from the party. He gave 48 hours time to the party leadership to retract the step and threatened to release CDs of all the illegal transactions of the party chief and others after that. He said he has photo copies of the cheques the leaders received and details of where the funds went.
Speaking to a TV channel on Friday before going to the media, Raghunandan made some more allegations. He said he would give details of how a Volvo car drove into the portico of KCR’s compound and how he got a building worth Rs. 4 crore from Nuzvid Seeds. He also talked about another farm house (apart from the one in Medak district), KCR got by mortgaging the party and the Telangana cause. Raghunandan threatened to disclose details about the hotels owned by Harish Rao and how Nayani Narasimha Reddy was making money. He also said he had also personally given suitcases to KCR, mobilizing funds from his friends. Charging that KCR would never achieve Telangana, he questioned how the state could become a reality when the party tickets and B Forms were being sold to unscrupulous people without commitment to the cause.
Charging that he was sent out because of his gaining popularity, he said KCR and his cronies want only voiceless morons who would obey their orders to remain in the party. Anyone who questions is being branded as traitor of Telangana and sent out. He said KCR was increasingly making the party a family affair and added that he was now planning to send his daughter Kavita to the Parliament. Stating that he was denied party ticket because he belonged to the Velama caste, he questioned if KCR, Harish Rao, Kavitata and KTR were not Velamas. Stating that only a diamond was capable of cutting another diamond, Raghunandan said the same Velama caste would ensure the doom of KCR.
When asked if he would join some party, he said hundreds of dissident party ranks were in touch with him and suggested that he might launch a forum for achieving Telangana and may even think of a new political party.