Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekhara Rao met Narendra Modi in Delhi amid speculation that his daughter K Kavitha and Keshav Rao may be inducted into the Union Council of Ministers. According to top sources in BJP, this could happen in April.
While the political compatibility of KCR’s vote bank, which includes a sizeable population of minorities, is not something that would gel with BJP, the demands of the new state have weighed heavily on TRS’ decision. KCR also attended the wedding reception for BJP chief ’s son on Sunday.
“The new state came into being just last year and many contentious issues with the Centre as arbitrator are cropping up everyday.
The Telugu Desam Party which is in power in Andhra Pradesh seems to have an upper hand because of its proximity to the central government as an NDA constituent,” said a top source in BJP privy to the discussions.
Kavitha, a first time MP, has been allowed to retain her father’s old ministerial bungalow on Tughlak Road.