TRS Rajya Sabha MP D Srinivas aka DS has met Union Home Minister Amit Shah. This meeting has become a huge discussion in the ‘CAR’ party and seems like they have come to a conclusion that DS will take up the saffron flag and it’s just a matter of time.
We all know Nizamabad MP Dharmapuri Aravind is the son of DS and he is heard to be negotiating the terms with BJP leadership. TRS and DS are not in good and talking terms since two years and also there were wide spread rumours that DS has helped his son to win Nizamabad MP seat. He directed his supporters and followers to vote for Aravind and ensure his victory. The result had shocked KCR and his daughter Kavitha who was seeking a second term.
Since this episode, things have turned worst between DS and TRS. However, the other day DS made it to the Parliamentary Party meeting of TRS and in fact, the ‘Pink’ men were surprised by DS presence. Whatever it is DS is using all his experience to tackle TRS and KCR. So far he has partially succeeded.