The Hyderabad High Court ruled that it will continue to as common high court for both Telangana and Andhra Pradesh till the central government sets up a separate court for the latter state. TRS MPs disrupted proceedings of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha with slogans and by holding placards that read “Uphold promise. Create Telangana High Court immediately.” Their protests remained every one in the parliament about the Telangana agitation days.
The MPs did not relent even after Venkaiah Naidu, Parliamentary affairs minister announced that the center is in favour of the high court division but the process is delayed by the high court cases. Meanwhile, Joint Action Committee of lawyers from Telangana have decided intensify their movement for separate high court for the state.
They are seeking early bifurcation of the existing high court so that the newly created state gets its own high court. Regarding that, Telangana Advocates argue that when the two states have separate secretariats and Legislatures in Hyderabad, what comes when they have separate high courts.
On that issue, A division bench of Chief Justice Kalyan Jyothi Sengupta and Justice P.V. Sanjay kumar said it was the responsibility of central government to allocate funds to create a new high court as per AP Reorganization Act and the Constitution. As per the sources from bench, it was Andhra Pradesh government to decide where to set up their high court, where the existing high court in Hyderabad will serve the state of Telangana.